Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Book Review - Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World by Tim Marshall

Geography is a fascinating study that is largely overlooked. And in today's bitterly-political world, it's rare to find a real scholar who looks at the facts and does his best to ignore his politics.

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World by Tim Marshall is a nonfiction book looking at the current world situation, why it is like it is, what is most likely to happen, and why so many seemingly "good" ideas are actually impractical fantasies. It is available as an eBook, Audiobook, and those paper things your grandparents used to read.

The Good

Scholarship. People misuse words like "science" and "scholarship" to justify and give credence to their existing opinions, but very few people actually apply scientific principles or strict scholarship when analyzing a situation. The author of this book does, and it is fascinating and explains so much. It also helps the reader to understand why so many policies in the past failed when they sounded like such good ideas.

Writing. While this is a very scholarly book, it is written in terms that normal, average people can understand and, even better, enjoy. This book never becomes slow nor boring.

The Bad


What I Would Like to Have Seen

I was very satisfied.


Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World by Tim Marshall is a nonfiction book looking at the current world situation, why it is like it is, what is most likely to happen, and why so many seemingly "good" ideas are actually impractical fantasies. People misuse words like "science" and "scholarship" to justify and give credence to their existing opinions, but very few people actually apply scientific principles or strict scholarship when analyzing a situation. The author of this book does, and it is fascinating and explains so much. It also helps the reader to understand why so many policies in the past failed when they sounded like such good ideas. While this is a very scholarly book, it is written in terms that normal, average people can understand and, even better, enjoy. This book never becomes slow nor boring. I highly recommend this book and give it 4.5 out of 5 eReaders.

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