Monday, May 6, 2024

The Fall Guy (2024 Film) Review

I never watched The Fall Guy tv series in the 80s, but I was aware it existed. So I didn't have any expectations for the film and went in expecting nothing more than an entertaining flick. And the movie delivered and then some.

The Fall Guy is a 2024 action romantic comedy based on the 1980s tv series of the same name. It is rated PG-13 for language and is appropriate for most ages.


Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. These two were cast perfectly. They have such great chemistry and each play their parts perfectly.

Comedy. This movie is genuinely funny. I found myself laughing out loud several times. The filmmakers didn't waste time on the obvious, usual humor other movies rely on. There were truly hilarious moments and lines of dialogue.

Meta. This film is very meta. It opens with the star and director telling you it is a love letter to stuntmen, and then throughout the film analyses the film and film in general. It again was very insightful and not the usual, obvious fourth-wall breaking.

Stunts and Action. Every ten minutes the film goes into an elaborately staged action scene that is beautifully choreographed and so much fun. And each stunt is different so I never felt bored.


This movie is so good! It is pure entertainment, something I haven't seen in a long time. I highly recommend this film and give it 5 out of 5 boxes of popcorn.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Movie Review - Godzilla Minus One


I loved the original Gojira movie and wished they'd come up with something that serious and well scripted.

They finally did.

Godzilla Minus One is a 2023 action monster movie. It is rated PG-13 for fantasy violence and is appropriate for teens and up.


Story. Unlike most of the Godzilla films (or monster movies in general) this film is a serious take on the genre and really examines what would happen if Godzilla were real. The movie also follows a small cast of characters from the end of World War II through the months following showing the steps they take to rebuild their lives. This human element helps raise the stakes and make Godzilla's attack seem even more devastating.

Special Effects. This film has amazing special effects. Unlike most movies in the last twenty years that look like video games, everything looks real. I'm impressed with what they managed to do with less than $15 million.

Plot & Pacing. The first half of the movie is a little slow, but once Godzilla attacks Tokyo I was on the edge of my seat.


Godzilla Minus One is a 2023 action monster movie. It is rated PG-13 for fantasy violence and is appropriate for teens and up. Unlike most of the Godzilla films (or monster movies in general) this film is a serious take on the genre and really examines what would happen if Godzilla were real. The movie also follows a small cast of characters from the end of World War II through the months following showing the steps they take to rebuild their lives. This human element helps raise the stakes and make Godzilla's attack seem even more devastating. This film has amazing special effects. Unlike most movies in the last twenty years that look like video games, everything looks real. I'm impressed with what they managed to do with less than $15 million. The first half of the movie is a little slow, but once Godzilla attacks Tokyo I was on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend this film and give it 4 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Movie Review - Wonka

I am not a Ronald Dahl fan and have yet to enjoy any movies based on his stories. But the trailer for this latest try actually looked good, and Timothée Chalamet looked like Willy Wonka should. So I thought I'd give it a chance. 

Wonka is a 2023 musical children's film inspired by a story by Ronald Dahl. It is rated PG and is appropriate for most ages.


Timothée Chalamet. Timothée Chalamet made the movie. He looked the part and exuded the innocence, wackiness, and excitement of the character. I was surprised at how well he sang and danced.

Songs and Dancing. Almost all of the songs were really good. The dancing was fun and helped the movie move forward.

Art Direction. The visual look of the film was exactly what I expected it to be. It looked very much like a storybook.

Story. The story was weak with a lot of on-the-nose writing, heavy handed theme explaining, and goofy plot devices.

Cleverness. There were a lot of clever moments in the film that I just loved.

Silliness. There was a lot of silliness in the film that made it boring for adults and moved it from the family movie realm to a kids' film. It wasn't necessary to talk down to the audience and would have been a stronger film if they hadn't done that.


Wonka is a 2023 musical children's film inspired by a story by Ronald Dahl. It is rated PG and is appropriate for most ages. Timothée Chalamet made the movie. He looked the part and exuded the innocence, wackiness, and excitement of the character. I was surprised at how well he sang and danced. Almost all of the songs were really good. The dancing was fun and helped the movie move forward. The visual look of the film was exactly what I expected it to be. It looked very much like a storybook. The story was weak with a lot of on-the-nose writing, heavy handed theme explaining, and goofy plot devices. There were a lot of clever moments in the film that I just loved. There was a lot of silliness in the film that made it boring for adults and moved it from the family movie realm to a kids' film. It wasn't necessary to talk down to the audience and would have been a stronger film if they hadn't done that. The film is overall entertaining with the good moments worth sitting thru the not-so-good moments. I give this film 3.5 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Merry and Bright - A 2023 Christmas Card


Merry Christmas, one and all. Here's hoping the year ends merry and bright for you!

This card was drawn with a Brush Pen and colored in Adobe Photoshop.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Movie Review - A Haunting in Venice

I've enjoyed the previous two Hercule Poroit films, but thought they could be better. They were just a little too bland and played out exactly as I expected. I wasn't going to see this film in theaters, but reviews on YouTube made it sound like they put a little something extra in it, so I decided to give it a shot.

A Haunting in Venice is a 2023 horror mystery film based on the Agatha Christie book Hallowe'en Party. It is rated PG-13 for scary imagery and is appropriate for teens and up.


Horror. This film is a horror film, and the kind of horror film I really like. It was spooky, mysterious, and not at all gory.

Mystery. This film is also a mystery, but the mystery doesn't take over until halfway thru the film which helps to keep the film engaging and entertaining. The solution to the mystery is not obvious like the other two films.

Characters. The characters were all very interesting and well developed. The actors and actresses all did a great job playing their various roles. I found myself caring about what happened to them.


A Haunting in Venice is a 2023 horror mystery film based on the Agatha Christie book Hallowe'en Party. It's half horror movie and half mystery which helps keep the film engaging and interesting. This is the kind of horror film I really like--it was spooky, mysterious, and not at all gory. The mystery doesn't take over until halfway thru the film which helps to keep the film engaging and entertaining. The solution to the mystery is not obvious like the other two films. The characters were all very interesting and well developed. The actors and actresses all did a great job playing their various roles; I found myself caring about what happened to them. Overall this was a very enjoyable movie, and I'm glad I saw it. I recommend this film and give it 4 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Movie Review - Hunted Mansion (2023)

I'm a big fan of the Hunted Mansion attraction at Disneyland and Walt Disney World. I always thought a good movie based on that would be really cool. I never thought we'd see the "good" part, though.

Haunted Mansion is a 2023 spooky comedy film based on the Disneyland attraction. It is rated PG-13 and is appropriate for teens and up.


Story. The story is a pretty typical spooky tale and plays out about how you expect it to. It's not bad, but nothing special. The opening has two false starts that were completely necessary and boring. The filmmakers should have started with scene 3. It would have been much stronger. 

Spooky. This film was pretty spooky and even had a few genuine scary moments that probably pushed it as far as you can for a family film.

Comedy. The movie was so funny and so clever. I laughed several times from start to finish.

Pacing. The pacing was decent but did drag in a few spots.


Haunted Mansion is a 2023 spooky comedy film based on the DisneyLand attraction. The story is a pretty typical spooky tale and plays out about how you expect it to. It's not bad, but nothing special. The opening has two false starts that were completely necessary and boring. The filmmakers should have started with scene 3. It would have been much stronger. This film was pretty spooky and even had a few genuine scary moments that probably pushed it as far as you can for a family film. The movie was so funny and so clever. I laughed several times from start to finish. The pacing was decent but did drag in a few spots. Overall this was a very enjoyable movie, and I'm glad I saw it. I recommend this film and give it 4 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Movie Review - Sound of Freedom

I wasn't sure if I could sit thru Sound of Freedom. The subject matter seemed pretty heavy and hard to watch. But after reading and watching so many positive reviews I decided to try it, and am I glad I did.

Sound of Freedom is a 2023 drama film based on a true story. It is rated PG-13 and is appropriate for teens and up.


The story behind the movie is excellent, but the filmmakers didn't rest on their laurels. Every other aspect of this film was top notch. You could use this film as a semester in film school about how to make a movie.

Story. The story was solid. Everything was well explained and laid out, but nothing was over explained. One scene led to the next leaving me at the edge of my seat. The message was clearly and movingly presented.

Cinematography. This film was beautifully shot. Each and every frame was carefully thought out and designed.

Set & Costume Design. Just as much care was put into the set and costume design transporting you to the various locations and defining the various characters in the film without them needing to say a word.

Acting. Everyone brought their A game to this film. You believed you were watching a documentary being filmed and not a scripted show. What impressed me was how much of the film was silent. So much was conveyed thru facial expressions and actions.

Pacing. The film had a very deliberate pace that was just right. It delivered several powerful emotional punches but never felt slow or dragging.


I wasn't sure if I could sit thru Sound of Freedom. The subject matter seemed pretty heavy and hard to watch. But after reading and watching so many positive reviews I decided to try it, and am I glad I did. The story behind the movie is excellent, but the filmmakers didn't rest on their laurels. Every other aspect of this film was top notch. You could use this film as a semester in film school about how to make a movie. The story was solid. Everything was well explained and laid out, but nothing was over explained. One scene led to the next leaving me at the edge of my seat. The message was clearly and movingly presented. This film was beautifully shot. Each and every frame was carefully thought out and designed. Just as much care was put into the set and costume design transporting you to the various locations and defining the various characters in the film without them needing to say a word. Everyone brought their A game to this film. You believed you were watching a documentary being filmed and not a scripted show. What impressed me was how much of the film was silent. So much was conveyed thru facial expressions and actions. The film had a very deliberate pace that was just right. It delivered several powerful emotional punches but never felt slow or dragging. I highly recommend this film and give it 5 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Movie Review - The Flash (2023 film)

I was really excited for a live-action Justice League movie on the big screen. I'd been hoping for one since I saw Superman II with Christopher Reeves in theaters. What we got a few years ago was hugely disappointing. So I almost didn't go see The Flash, but I'm glad I did.

The Flash is a 2023 science fiction, superhero, action movie. It is rated PG-13 and is appropriate for tweens and up.


Story. The film is based on the Flashpoint mini-series in the comics, but takes it to a very different place. The filmmakers do a great job developing the Flash's character and setting up the stakes so the ending and choices people make feel impactful.

Action. There is a lot of great and fun action. The first 10 minutes of the film is the Justice League saving the city. THIS is the Justice League movie I've been wanting to see. And while the final battle was over the top, there were a lot of cool moments that looked like they were plucked straight out of a comic book.

Fan Service. This film is filled with gratuitous fan service from Michael Keaton returning as Batman to 3D cameos from George Reeves Superman and Christoper Reeves Superman to many, many more. It was fun to see them again on the big screen even though none of them were necessary.

Pacing. Unlike Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse, Super Mario Bros., and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, (three huge disappointments) I never got bored or looked at my watch once. I was completely engaged from start to finish.


After waiting decades to see the Justice League on the big screen, the Justice League movie we got a few years ago was hugely disappointing. So I almost didn't go see The Flash, but I'm glad I did. Unlike Spider-man: Across the SpiderverseSuper Mario Bros., and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, (three huge disappointments) I never got bored or looked at my watch once. I was completely engaged from start to finish. The film is based on the Flashpoint mini-series in the comics, but takes it to a very different place. The filmmakers do a great job developing the Flash's character and setting up the stakes so the ending and choices people make feel impactful. There is a lot of great and fun action. The first 10 minutes of the film is the Justice League saving the city. THIS is the Justice League movie I've been wanting to see. And while the final battle was over the top, there were a lot of cool moments that looked like they were plucked straight out of a comic book. This film is filled with gratuitous fan service from Michael Keaton returning as Batman to 3D cameos from George Reeves Superman and Christoper Reeves Superman to many, many more. It was fun to see them again on the big screen even though none of them were necessary. I highly recommend this movie and give it 4 out of 5 boxes of popcorn. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Animation Review: Max Fleischer's Superman 1941-1943 Blu-ray

I've been a huge fan of Max Fleischer's Superman cartoons since I received a VHS tape for Christmas filled with 10 different shorts taken from less-than-pristine copies. I find myself rebuying them whenever a great new format comes out.

When I first heard about Warner Bros. creating new scans from the original film stock, I was so excited. I couldn't wait to see them remastered in all their glory, and I wasn't disappointed.

The Good

Picture. All of the shorts are here. They couldn't look better. The picture is so clean, crisp, and bright. The colors are amazing. Several people have complained about the DNR (digital noise reduction). Some of the raw footage appears in the new documentary that is included. I personally found the grain annoying and am glad they removed it. The grain was never meant to be part of the picture and is a result of technology and process.

Audio. These have never sounded better. Even in the best copy I've ever heard had weird audio glitches that made it hard to make out some of the dialogue. All of those problems have been fixed.

Content. This is some of the best animation to have ever been produced. It's so sad the Fleischer Studio didn't last past the first half of these shorts. One can only imagine what they would have created in the next decade with the talent, creativity, and innovation the studio was famous for.

The Bad

Missing Audio. Two of the shorts each have a couple of seconds of audio missing. It doesn't ruin the shorts, but it is sad these are 100% complete where such care was taken to present such an amazing picture and sound.

Warnings. A few of the shorts have unnecessary warnings which is obnoxious.

The Meh

Documentaries. There are three documentaries included, but none of them are very good. It's professionals in the field and want-to-be experts talking about their impressions. No one involved in the production of these was interviewed. None of the restoration process was shown. That's what would be interesting.


Overall, this is a beautiful Blu-ray edition. I never imagined these cartoons could look so amazing. I'll be watching these over and over again.